Whole Body Health & Healing for Women.

How to use Yoga to connect mind & body through the 7 seasons of a Woman’s life (without pushing against our natural rhythm).

Within you is a well of feminine wisdom & sacred medicine waiting
to be remembered and shared.

Women’s Yoga Courses, Trainings & Programs

Supporting women to deepen into the feminine through
Women's Yoga Courses, Teacher Trainings and Programs.

This work was born from deep connection to spirit and earth energy. It carries a vibration of weaving the divine with our human experience. Weaving ancient wisdom with modern medicine to support women through practice and embodiment to live a life aligned to their authentic selves.


A self paced soulful journey through the 7 Seasons of Womanhood from menstruation to menopause, curated for women, yoga teachers, coaches, and practitioners.


A foundational online training combining Eastern & Western teachings for Women, created for those who have a deep interest in working with women.


A trauma informed, holistic and integrated approach to women's health and wellbeing. This training is for existing yoga teachers, therapists and health practitioners.


How to use Yoga to connect mind & body through the 7 seasons of a Woman’s life (without pushing against our natural rhythm)

Deepen your connection to your body & life through The 7 Seasons of a Woman’s life in this practical guide to aligning with the body's natural rhythms & cycles to work harmoniously with the body rather than against it.

Use as a student or teacher of yoga.

Welcome, I’m Kate.

I am here to empower women to cultivate whole body health & healing by applying feminine wisdom to their everyday living as a cyclical woman.

At the core of my being I know that as women we hold our own sacred medicine & whole body wisdom, but we have been conditioned for disconnection in our Western Culture. 

And it’s our job to take radical self responsibility to REMEMBER our innate worthiness.  

“To be a Holistic Woman is to be a woman with elevated states of awareness and to use this to navigate life’s ups & downs with a sense of ease”

— Kate Payne

Free Holistic Woman Resources

Explore the latest blogs & resources to support you in connecting to your feminine body wisdom.

The Holistic Woman Podcast

Blog posts & Articles

How to use Yoga to connect mind & body through the 7 seasons of a Woman’s life (without pushing against our natural rhythm)