How to calm the vagus nerve with Mantra

How to calm the vagus nerve using sacred mantra

In the midst of life's bustling cadence, the vagus nerve, the orchestrator of our inner symphony, plays a vital role in maintaining balance. A harmonious vagal tone, the equilibrium between its activation and relaxation, significantly impacts our overall wellness. Amid the modern whirlwind, a profound remedy awaits – the transformative practice of mantras.

If a woman’s body were an orchestra then our vagus nerve would be the conductor. The state of our vagal tone, the balance between its activation and relation, influences our overall wellbeing. As we live in a fast and busy world, now more than ever finding ways to haromize our vagal tone becomes essential. 

Mantra is a profound tool we can use that not only has a direct impact on our nervous system, including the vagus never but it has a cascade of other benefits.  

What is the vagus nerve?

The vagus nerve, aptly named the "wandering nerve," weaves a complex path through our body, linking various organs and systems. As the guardian of the parasympathetic nervous system, it governs the rest-and-digest response. An optimal vagal tone nurtures serenity, emotional equilibrium, and vitality.

How does mantra support vagal tone?

Mantras, ancient sound formulas employed in meditation and chanting, have garnered reverence across millennia as potent instruments of transformation. The rhythmic repetition of mantras directly influences our nervous system, including the vagus nerve. Through recitation, chanting, or singing, we set in motion a symphony of positive effects.

Some of the key benefits of mantra for vagal tone include:

Calms the mind.

The mantra creates a focal point for the mind. The mental shift triggers a relaxation response, leading to improved vagal tone. 

Balances emotions.

Chanting mantra activates brain regions associated with positive emotions and reduces those linked to negativity. The emotional equilibrium positively influences vagal tone. 

Regulates breathing.

Many mantras sync with the breath promoting natural breathing patters, slower & deeper breaths. This calms the nervous system and enhances vagal tone.

Stress reduction.

The vibrations of the sound lower cortisol levels, subsiding the body’s stress response and supports vagal tone. 

Embracing the healing power of mantras invites you to forge a deeper connection with your vagus nerve, fostering optimal vagal tone. As you weave the resonant tapestry of sacred sounds, you harmonize the conductor of your inner symphony. The result? A profound sense of well-being and equilibrium. From antiquity to the present, mantras beckon us to explore their potential, inviting us to support our vagal tone and enrich our lives in remarkable ways.

There are many recommendations for mantra in The Holistic Woman eGuide - How to use yoga to connect mind and body through the 7 seasons of a woman’s life cycle (without pushing against your natural rhythm). FREE DOWNLOAD HERE.


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