The Yin & Yang of life

It is always the Both / &.

The yin & the yang.

The black & the white.

The two sides to a story.

The two extremes of this world of make believe we call life.

And then of course there is the space in between.

The space where the two sides merge together. Where they meet & bow in reverence to the other.

Acknowledging the billions of individual world views we have on this planet.

Here are some home truths that have come into my awareness this past few days…..

  • It’s possible to work a 9-5 and thrive. It’s also possible to work a 9-5 & be riddled with dis-ease.

  • It’s possible to be an entrepreneur and feel like the world is your oyster. It’s also possible to be an entrepreneur and feel like you are in a constant state of struggle.

  • It’s possible to be a yogi and never have practiced asana in your life. It’s also possible to be a yogi with a 7-day a week asana practice.

  • It’s possible to be a working mother and still nourish the needs of your children. It’s also possible to be a stay at home mum and do the same.

  • It’s possible to be vegan because you value the lives of animals. It’s also possible to eat meat and value the lives of animals equally.

  • It’s possible to make a million dollars and find happiness. It’s possible to make $30k and find the same.

  • Its possible to heal using Western Medicine. It’s also possible to heal using Eastern Medicine. And it’s possible to heal using a combination of the two.

Our individual world view is ultimately determined by us. We choose if we thrive or survive. No matter the circumstances.

Trying times, for sure.

Moments of elevation, 1000%.

The both / &.

There is no ‘one way’ and certainly no ‘right’ way to live this lifetime.

It’s ok to Change your mind, change careers, shift your values, allow your beliefs to evolve.

It’s ok to be you.

It’s ok to have boundaries and enforce them.

It’s ok to feel worthy.

Your whole authentic Self.

Here. In this lifetime.

With love, Kate


Finding Stillness: A Journey into the Inner Realm


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