Episode 03: Why Western Culture fails to see Women as Whole


In this episode, we will be taking an East vs. West look at Women's health and healing, as well as an exploration of seeing women through the lens of the koshas - our 5 bodies of being.

In the Western world, the focus on women's health tends to be largely physical, with little attention paid to the emotional and spiritual aspects of healing. This is in stark contrast to the Eastern approach, which views health as a holistic and interconnected system, encompassing not just the physical body but also the mind, emotions, and spirit.

One of the key reasons why Western culture fails to see women as whole is the lack of understanding and acknowledgement of women's unique experiences and challenges. Women's health issues are often dismissed or trivialized, leading to a lack of access to appropriate healthcare and support.

Taking a closer look at the koshas, we can see how each of these layers plays an important role in women's health and wellbeing. The first kosha, the physical body, is the most tangible and visible layer, but it is important to remember that it is intimately connected to the other koshas.



Ep 04 - Healing our connection to the body through yoga


Episode 02: Cycles & Seasons of Women